At Cane-line social responsibility and care for the environment are important parts of our DNA and core value. We particularly support the desire to create a responsible business/production that minimizes our societal and environmental impact.
As a manufacturer of furniture, we believe our greatest impact come from addressing UN Sustainable Development goals no. 8 and 12. To us, the SDGs make us even more motivated to work towards a more responsible business.
As a manufacturer of furniture, we believe our greatest impact come from addressing UN Sustainable Development goals no. 8 and 12. To us, the SDGs make us even more motivated to work towards a more responsible business.
SDG No. 8 is about creating decent jobs and sustainable economic growth. To achieve this, we work to create decent jobs with good conditions, both in Denmark and at our production facility in Indonesia. In the local community of Rynkeby, Denmark, where our head office is located, we focus on creating jobs, particularly for young people. Our production facility in Indonesia is particularly focused on creating decent jobs with good working conditions.

SDG No. 12 seeks to ensure more responsible consumption and production methods. These were key elements of our DNA long before the SDGs arose. Because we have always aimed to run a business that minimises its societal and environmental impact. For example, did you know that we have been sorting our waste at the head office in Rynkeby for years or that our heat comes from a district heating plant right next door?
As a manufacturer, we are keenly aware that electricity consumption often has a large environmental impact. Therefore, we are proud to have reduced our electricity consumption by 50% in 2013, and we have been able to maintain this level ever since.
With our certifications ISO14001 and SMETA, we manifest how we are intensifying our commitment to the green agenda, and how their guidelines assist us in becoming even better.
At Cane-line, we focus on and have an interest in ensuring good working conditions and caring for the environment. This is also important to you as a consumer, as this is your guarantee that we keep our promises and honor our commitments.
Read further details below about our certifications among others.
With our certifications ISO14001 and SMETA, we manifest how we are intensifying our commitment to the green agenda, and how their guidelines assist us in becoming even better.
Socially responsible
At Cane-line, we focus on and have an interest in ensuring good working conditions and caring for the environment. This is also important to you as a consumer, as this is your guarantee that we keep our promises and honor our commitments.
Read further details below about our certifications among others.

ISO 14001 is the most highly reputed international standard for environmental management systems. It requires us to maintain a sound environmental policy. The certification also binds us to achieve several targets aimed to protect the environment. This is your guarantee that we are constantly working on becoming even better at protecting our environment and society.
The SMETA auditing state that we commit us to ensure proper working conditions, and thereby being socially responsible. Among other things, it means that child labor is not allowed and that wage levels are fair and in accordance with local legislation.
The teak we use for our furniture is sourced in special forests where the timber is approved and forested under the certification scheme SVLK (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu, Indonesia’s timber legality assurance system). This guarantees that trees are forested responsibly, i.e., preserving the natural environment, and preventing deforestation
The SMETA auditing state that we commit us to ensure proper working conditions, and thereby being socially responsible. Among other things, it means that child labor is not allowed and that wage levels are fair and in accordance with local legislation.
The teak we use for our furniture is sourced in special forests where the timber is approved and forested under the certification scheme SVLK (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu, Indonesia’s timber legality assurance system). This guarantees that trees are forested responsibly, i.e., preserving the natural environment, and preventing deforestation

Environmental consideration and sustainability are also incorporated into the production of printed materials. The ClimateCalc certification is your guarantee that materials are printed with respect for the environment and thus carbon neutral.
The UN Global Compact focuses among others on the areas like social responsibility, sustainability, and the environment. As these issues also constitute the core values of Cane-line, we are part of this international community who work hard to improve on these areas.
The UN Global Compact focuses among others on the areas like social responsibility, sustainability, and the environment. As these issues also constitute the core values of Cane-line, we are part of this international community who work hard to improve on these areas.