Our ambassador Abi Dare lives in the city Bristol in England with her husband and their cat Loki. She is a blogger, writer, photographer and stylist. She started her blog and Instagram (thesefourwalls) back in 2014, to get a platform where she could share her inspiration for the simple lifestyle, travel, nature pictures, small extracts of everyday life and not least for home decor.
Abi is a fan of the minimalist décor style and prefers clean and simple lines, calm colors and airy spaces. On her blog "Thesefourwalls" she likes to share pictures of the couple's British townhouse, garden and home decor, where she talks about her personal style.
Minimalistic décor
Abi is a fan of the minimalist décor style and prefers clean and simple lines, calm colors and airy spaces. On her blog "Thesefourwalls" she likes to share pictures of the couple's British townhouse, garden and home decor, where she talks about her personal style.
“I love to incorporate contemporary and mid-century Nordic design while also showing off the house’s Victorian features.”
Surrounds herself with soothing tones
Neutral colors, such as white, grey and beige, are colors that inspire and attract Abi when she designs. She loves the neutral colors so much for many reasons, but primarily because she has a condition called synaesthesia, which is when one sense merges with another rather than being experienced separately.
Calm and neutral colors create a good balance at home and in the garden and they help making the room appear larger. With calm and neutral colors, the decor does not go out of style either.

“In my case, it means I see each letter, number and day of the week as a different hue, and as a result my mind is constantly buzzing with colors. Surrounding myself with calming tones such as grey, white and beige is a much-needed antidote to that!”
The garden as a project
They bought the townhouse in England in 2014, and they have since done some renovations and upgrades to the house from the inside. But the small-town garden has been left almost untouched. The couple therefore decided it was time to for a major garden renovation.
The first thing they started renovating was their patio. Here they have created a cosy lounge area, where there is room for both relaxation, but also room for guests.
“It's still a work in progress, but I'm turning it into an outdoor lounge with sofas and chairs, where I can relax, read and entertain family and friends. It's quite minimalist - an extension of the style inside the house.”
The family cat, Loki, has already taken his seat in one of Moments' lounge chairs.

An outdoor living room
The outdoor lounge area has become a natural extension of the house. Here you can drink your morning coffee, read good books, have fun with friends and relax. In the summer, an outdoor lounge area allows for many more hours outdoors.
"On weekends, we often sit out there for hours, reading and relaxing in the sunshine, and when darkness falls, we light a few candles and snuggle together under blankets."